My 2023 Pokémon GO Best Buddies

It’s the first day of the New Year and a time to do recap posts about the previous year – the year 2023. To start with, the first in the series of recap posts is about the number and types of Pokémon I was able to “buddy-up” in 2023.

I was able to take 28 Pokémon to the Best Buddy level in 2023 (see image below).

Since you obviously can’t see all the 28 Pokémon in the image above, here they are.

  • 4 costumed Pikachu (one hundo, one 98IV, and two lucky shiny).
  • 1 Persian (shadow hundo).
  • 1 Abra (98IV shadow).
  • 1 Machamp (91IV shadow).
  • 1 Onix (98IV lucky and shiny).
  • 1 Articuno (91IV and shadow).
  • 1 Galarian Zapdos.
  • 1 Galarian Moltres.
  • 1 Mewtwo (96IV and shadow).
  • 1 Togepi (hundo).
  • 1 Tyranitar (lucky hundo).
  • 1 Rayquaza (98IV).
  • 1 Jirachi (87IV and shiny).
  • 1 Shinx (91IV and shadow).
  • 1 Vivillon (hundo).
  • 2 Florges (both 96IV but Blue (and lucky) and Orange).
  • 1 Xerneas (98IV and shiny).
  • 1 Diancie (91 IV)
  • 1 Bounsweet (hundo).
  • 1 Tapu Koko (98IV and shiny).
  • 2 Kleavor (both 98IV but one lucky shiny and one normal).
  • 1 Houndstone (98IV).
  • 1 Baxcalibur (89 IV and lucky shiny).

You may wonder how I determine which Pokémon to take to best buddy. My strategy is to focus first on hundo (100% IV Pokémon), then 98IV Pokémon after which I prioritize high-level shiny Pokémon. Anything else is based on the rarity and how much I like the Pokémon.

You can simply infer from this list that I love costumed Pikachu. BTW I consider non-costumed Pikachu as naked.

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