5 Ridiculous Things People Do to Catch Pokémon in Pokémon GO

We all do ridiculous things to catch Pokémon in Pokémon GO. It’s not a bad thing. However, you need to be aware of such things which you do unknowingly. Maybe if you become aware of these, you will be in a better position to consciously choose if you want to do that thing or not.

  • Sprinting up/down the street to join a raid before it times out, only to get there and still miss it by seconds. Likewise, I have read people running to join a Tier 5 raid (because it cannot be soloed) they see a few people in but end up missing the raid.
  • So engrossed in catching Pokémon and too busy looking at your phone that you do not acknowledge the presence of people around you, either in your house or your neighborhood.
  • Thinking a Pokémon is rare and doing all you can to catch anyone that shows up on your nearby Pokémon radar. Only to find many of those Pokémon in the wild a few weeks later.
  • Making Pokémon GO the first thing you check on your phone every day right after you wake up.
  • Holding gyms hostage. We know the game is competitive but show some kindness. If your Pokémon has been in a gym for more than 8 hours. DO NOT take it back right after the gym has been taken over by another team.
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