December 2023 Pokémon GO Stats

December 2023 was the first month of the Season of Timeless Travels. With the new season comes a set of new features Pokémon GO trainers can use to up their game. Some of such features are guaranteed candy XL when trading Pokémon, extra candy when trading a Pokémon, etc.

Here is a compilation of most of the stats I was able to garner in December 2023.

  • Distance Walked: 258.20 km.
  • Pokémon caught: 6,479 (including 1 new 4*, 3 new 3*, 5 new shiny, 7 new lucky, 2 new shadow, and 4 new event Pokémon respectively)
    • Normal-type: 1,258
    • Fighting-type: 312
    • Flying-type: 623
    • Poison-type: 458
    • Ground-type: 507
    • Rock-type: 268
    • Bug-type: 484
    • Ghost-type: 68
    • Steel-type: 175
    • Fire-type: 370
    • Water-type: 1,063
    • Grass-type: 519
    • Electric-type: 523
    • Psychic-type: 488
    • Ice-type: 1,501
    • Dragon-type: 246
    • Dark-type: 221
    • Fairy-type: 205
  • PokéStop Visited: 3,075 (including 40 new stops)
  • XP gained: 7,964,608
  • Stardust gained: 1,537,062
  • Pokémon evolved: 220
  • Eggs hatched: 231
  • 5* Raids: 21
  • Other tier Raids: 35
  • Berry Fed: 2,475
  • Gym hours: 3,685
  • Field Research tasks completed: 284
  • Trades done: 637
  • Grunt battles: 177
  • New Best Buddy: 13
  • Mega Evolutions: 212

What a month and the last month of the year!

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