First Community Day of the Year 2023 ~ Pokémon GO

The first Community Day (CD) of the Year 2023 featured Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokémon. This occurred on Saturday, January 7, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. As a usual custom, Chespin appeared more frequently in the wild. Also, Shiny Chespin made its debut in Pokémon GO. In addition, Chesnaught, the final evolution of Chespin got an exclusive Charged Attack Frenzy Plant when the middle evolution (Quilladin) is evolved during the event or up to five hours afterward.

So, how did I do?

XP Gained

Before the Chespin CD, I had a total of 517,983,491 XP. After the CD, I had 518,461,227 XP. This gives a total of 477,736 XP gained.

Pokémon Caught

As seen in the image above, I had a total of 396,362 Pokémon Caught before the CD. I had a total of 396,794 afterward. This gives a total of 432 Pokémon Caught during the CD.

Chespin Seen and Caught

Before the Chespin CD, I had a total of 1187 seen and a total of 465 caught. After the CD, I had a total of 1754 seen and a total of 817 caught. This gives a total of 567 Chespin seen and 352 Chespin caught during the CD hours. This means that I had 62.08% catches.

Shiny Chespin Caught

Like everyone else, I had zero shiny Chespin before the CD. However, after the CD, I got just 10 Shiny Chespin. This is really low in terms of the Chespin seen and caught during the CD. This is like 1 shiny for every 35 Chespin caught. You may conclude that I was unlucky in terms of the Shiny.

Shiny Stats

0* = 1
1* = 5
2* = 3
3* = 1
4* = 0

BTW, I caught no hundo Chespin. However, the best ones in terms of IVs I caught are one 98% IV and one 96% IV. I don’t mind though since I already have (see featured image) a lucky hundo (100% IV) before the Chespin CD.

Other stats gained

In addition to the above stats, the other important gains are as follows

  • KM Walked: + 8.6
  • Chespin Candy: 2,904
  • Chespin Candy XL: 578
  • Stardust: 146,150

I definitely gained more candy, candy XL, and stardust. The above gains are what I had after evolving some Chespins and powering up some Pokémon during the CD.

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