My 2023 Pokémon GO Nundos

Following up on the 2023 Recap posts, the next is the number and types of nundo I was able to catch in 2023. The general belief in the Pokémon GO community is that nundos are rarer than hundos.

Side note: I currently have a total of 85 nundos (0 IV Pokémon).

I was able to catch 19 nundo Pokémon in 2023 (see image below).

Since you obviously can’t see all the 19 Pokémon in the image above, here the remaining

  • 1 Galarian Darumaka.
  • 1 Yamask.
  • 1 Axew.
  • 1 Dragalge.
  • 1 Dedenne.
  • 1 Cutiefly.
  • 1 Pawmi.

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