My year 2023 in Pokémon GO

I’m glad I was able to take a snapshot of my Pokémon GO stats at the start of January 2023 and also at the end of December 2023. A comparison between both stats is a result of this post which details all the stats I was able to garner in 2023

Here is a compilation of most of the stats.

  • Distance Walked: 3,207.10 km.
  • Pokémon caught: 80,878 (including 49 new 4*, 54 new 3*, 44 new shiny 3*, 72 new shiny, 89 new lucky, 54 new shadow, 53 new purified, and 40 new event Pokémon respectively).
    • Normal-type: 18,404
    • Fighting-type: 3,751
    • Flying-type: 12,690
    • Poison-type: 7,955
    • Ground-type: 6,357
    • Rock-type: 5,272
    • Bug-type: 7,502
    • Ghost-type: 4,031
    • Steel-type: 3,033
    • Fire-type: 5,912
    • Water-type: 12,415
    • Grass-type: 10,378
    • Electric-type: 5,935
    • Psychic-type: 6,140
    • Ice-type: 3,090
    • Dragon-type: 2,472
    • Dark-type: 4,477
    • Fairy-type: 3,555
  • PokéStop Visited: 38,390 (including 851 new stops)
  • XP gained: 121,197,791
  • Stardust gained: 8,521,760
  • Pokémon evolved: 2,845
  • Eggs hatched: 2,447
  • 5* Raids: 905
  • Other tier Raids: 369
  • Berry Fed: 24,061
  • Gym hours: 36,465
  • Field Research tasks completed: 3,019
  • Trades done: 6,157
  • Grunt battles: 2,555
  • New Best Buddy: 58
  • Mega Evolutions: 824

What a year!

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