November 2023 Pokémon GO Stats

November 2023 was the last month of the Season of Adventures Abound. With the season coming to an end and many of the features running out, my goal was to make the best of the month and enjoy the benefits, especially the 2x XP for friendship level-ups. So how did the month go? See the stats below.

Here is a compilation of most of the stats I was able to garner in November 2023.

  • Distance Walked: 227.40 km.
  • Pokémon caught: 6,644 (including 2 new 4*, 9 new 3*, 3 new shiny 3*, 19 new shiny, 17 new lucky, 4 new shadow, 3 newly purified, and 7 new event Pokémon respectively)
    • Normal-type: 1,372
    • Fighting-type: 214
    • Flying-type: 512
    • Poison-type: 851
    • Ground-type: 987
    • Rock-type: 188
    • Bug-type: 382
    • Ghost-type: 685
    • Steel-type: 202
    • Fire-type: 548
    • Water-type: 829
    • Grass-type: 898
    • Electric-type: 1,324
    • Psychic-type: 313
    • Ice-type: 72
    • Dragon-type: 113
    • Dark-type: 246
    • Fairy-type: 274
  • PokéStop Visited: 2,961 (including 25 new stops)
  • XP gained: 11,540,143
  • Stardust gained: 413,914
  • Pokémon evolved: 243
  • Eggs hatched: 125
  • 5* Raids: 56
  • Other tier Raids: 26
  • Berry Fed: 1,882
  • Gym hours: 2,609
  • Field Research tasks completed: 230
  • Trades done: 997
  • Grunt battles: 185
  • New Best Buddy: 0
  • Mega Evolutions: 189

What a month!

However, if you compare this month with the previous month during the Season of Adventures Abound, you will realize that I did not grind this month that much. Based on stats, this month is the least out of the 3. It showed that I did slow down while playing Pokémon GO.

I do not know if this ‘slowing down’ trend will continue or not. However, i am excited for the start of a new season, starting 1st December 2023.

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