
Pokémon of the Month: Poipole

The featured Pokémon of this month (May 2024) is Poipole. Poipole is the number 803 Pokémon in the Pokédex, which makes it an Alolan Pokémon. In addition, it is an Ultra Beast (codenamed UB Adhesive) that lives in a different world. It is popularly referred to as Poison Pin Pokémon (same as Nidoran, Nidorina, and Nidorino). It cackles wildly as it sprays its opponents with poison from the needles on its head.


Poipole has a base HP of 167, a base attack of 145, and a base defense of 133.


Poipole (currently) can learn either Poison Jab and Peck as its Fast Attacks. For its Charged Attacks, it can (currently) learn either Sludge Bomb, Fell Stinger, or Sludge Wave.

For optimal productivity, its recommended best attacks are Poison Jab as a Fast Attack, and Sludge Bomb as it Charged Attack. You can also give it a secondary Charged Attack of Fell Stinger. Getting Poipole a secondary Charged Attack requires 100 candy and 100,000 Stardust.

Combat Power (CP)

Poipole has a max CP of 702 at level 15, which you can get via a Special Research Task. It has a max CP of 1,640 at level 40, and a max CP of 1,854 at level 50. Poipole is boosted by Cloudy weather.

Strength and Weakness

As a Poison-type Pokémon, Poipole is vulnerable to Ground- and Psychic-type attacks. It is however resistant to Bug-, Fairy-, Fighting-, Grass-, and Poison-type Pokémon.

Fun Facts

  • It is the only Ultra Beast Pokémon that can evolve. It can evolve into Naganadel and requires 200 candy.
  • It has the lowest base stats total of all the Ultra Beasts.
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