Pokémon GO Cyndaquil Community Day Classic: Recap

The Cyndaquil Community Day ended for me a few hours ago. Here I am to share how the event went. As you can recall, the June 2024 Pokémon GO Community Day Classic featuring Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, was on Saturday, June 22, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. This recap will be based on the results I got from the event bonuses.

The event bonuses were 2x XP for catching Pokémon; 2x Stardust for catching Pokémon; Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours; Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours; and Take five snapshots during Community Day for encounters with Cyndaquil.

How did I do?

2x XP for catching Pokémon

Before the start of the event, I had a total XP count of 716,681,020. After the Community Day Classic, the total XP count was 717,784,683. That means an increase of 1,103,663 total XP. It is important to note that friendship level-ups and raid XP rewards also contributed to this count. However, most (say 90 percent) of the XP gains were from catching Pokémon while using Lucky Eggs. I used 6 Lucky Eggs for the entire duration of the event.

The other gains are presented below

Distance Walked (KM)26,595.326,604.9+9.6
PokéStop Visited360,119360,317+198
Pokémon Caught521,151521,481+330

Here is my “Me” image showing the before and after count of Distance Walked, Pokémon Caught, and Total XP.

2x Stardust for catching Pokémon

Before the start of the event, I had a Stardust count of 33,544,176. After the Community Day Classic, the Stardust count was 33,676,426. That means an increase of 132,250 Stardust. This is the count after all the evolutions had been done. Also, note that Egg hatches, Raid rewards, and the Community Day Field and Special Research contributed to the Stardust count. It is important to also note that we had a Weather Boosted Community Day, Cyndaquil a Fire-type Pokémon was boosted which means extra Stardust when catching Cyndaquil.

Candy and Candy XL

Before the start of the event, I had a Cyndaquil Candy XL count of 251. After the Community Day Classic, the Cyndaquil Candy XL count was 584. That means an increase of 333 Candy XL. Likewise, before the start of the event, I had a Cyndaquil Candy count of 3,589. After the Community Day, the Cyndaquil Candy count was 4,829. That means an increase of 1,240 Candy.

I was not able to do any long-distance trade that could have contributed to the Candy XL count. However, I mega-evolved a max mega (Mega level 3) Houndoom throughout the event. This contributed to the Candy and Candy XL count.

Here is my Pokémon inventory image showing the before and after count of Candy, Stardust, and Candy XL.

Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours

I had a lot of Lure Modules that were rewards received from winning PokéStop showcases. However, I was able to Lure up just one PokéStops with the Lure Module. The result of this was an increase of 192 for the Picknicker medal.

Take five snapshots during Community Day for encounters with Cyndaquil

I did not forget to take five snapshots of my buddy. This contributed to an increasing count of the Cameraman medal.

Cyndaquil Seen and Caught

Before the start of the event, I had seen 2,782 Cyndaquil and caught 1,016 Cyndaquil respectively. After the Community Day, I saw 3,133 Cyndaquil and caught 1,299 respectively. That means an increase of 351 seen and 283 caught respectively.

Here is my PokéDex image showing the before and after count of seen and Caught Cyndaquil.

This is my recap.

Hope you had a great Cyndaquil Community Day

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