Pokémon GO Season 11: Hidden Gems

The next season of Pokémon GO has been officially announced. It is the Season of Hidden Gems. The new season starts on Thursday, June 1st, 2023 at 10 a.m. local time. It will last until Thursday, August 31st, 2023 at 10 a.m. local time. Based on the teaser posted on Twitter by the official Pokémon GO Twitter account, the Season of Hidden Gems will feature water event(s) or a beach-themed festival and an event that has something to do with hunting pink shards (the hidden gems). Remember Shadow Shards?

What Can We Expect from the Season of Hidden Gems?

Earlier speculations reveal that Sandsygast will make its official debut in Pokémon GO. Sandsygast is known as the Sand Heap Pokémon. The beach setting is a place where you will normally find sand heaps. The earlier speculations could become a reality.

In addition to Sansdygast, the earlier speculation revealed that there would be lots of crab Pokémon. As you can see from the teaser, there was Krabby, a crab Pokémon. This could be a feature Pokémon for a water- or beach-themed event. Other Pokémon in this category are Shellder and Horsea which can be found in the beach biome.

The above describes the beach-themed teaser. What about the Pink Shards?

This brings up a Mythical Pokémon that has been rumored to make its debut in Pokémon GO since Niantic announced this year’s Pokémon GO Fest events. The Mythical Pokémon is Diancie, which if it debuts will be available in raids. Diancie is a small Pokémon with a conical lower body, and gray rock with a large, pink diamond in the side.

Okay, we are not done yet.

Lucario was also featured in the teaser. The only speculation that could become a reality is the debut of Mega Lucario. This is because we had a few Riolu’s egg-themed events during the previous season (Season of Heroes).

Anyways, these are just speculations. I personally want them to be a reality in Pokémon GO. The official details for the Season of Hidden Gems will be released soon. Looking forward to what that would be. And as usual, you can find a summary of the monthly events on this blog – Digancy

What Do We Already know about the Season of Hidden Gems?

The following is a list of what we know will happen during season 11 of Pokémon GO

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