Pokémon GO: Would you rather? (Part 1)

What Pokémon in Pokémon GO would you rather identify with? Wait, before you try and answer that general question, check the more specific questions below. You can then leave a comment listing the Pokémon you identify with.

  • Would you rather dance with Gardevoir or fight with Mewtwo?
  • Would you rather have four arms like Machamp or have a long tail like Raichu?
  • Would you rather be hugged by Bewear or get chased by Onix?
  • Would you rather go for a swim with Gyarados or spend a night in a haunted house with Gengar?
  • Would you rather surf with Lapras or fly with Braviary?
  • Would you rather go for a walk with Bulbasaur or go for a run with Charmander?

What are your responses?

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