Fun Facts about 5 Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon ~ Pokémon GO

Pseudo-legendary Pokémon are no-legendary Pokémon who are powerful as much as a legendary but not classified as legendary. They are not classified as legendary because they are all third-evolutions of other Pokémon.

The pseudo-legendary Pokémon are Metagross (evolutions of Beldum), Garchomp (evolutions of Gible), Tyranitar (evolutions of Tyranitar), Kommo-o (evolutions of Jangmo-o), Salamence (evolutions of Bagon), Dragonite (evolutions of Dratini), Hydreigon (evolutions of Deino), Goodra (evolutions of Goomy), Baxcalibur (evolutions of Frigibax), and Dragapult (evolutions of Drakloak).

Fun facts about Metagross

  • A Steel- and Psychic-type Pokémon.
  • Formed when two Metang fuse together.
  • It has four brains (two each from Metang).
  • Lives in snowy mountains and rough terrains.

Fun facts about Garchomp

  • A Dragon- and Ground-type Pokémon.
  • Flies with jet-like speed.
  • Can run so quickly that it creates blades of wind strong enough to chop down trees.

Fun facts about Tyranitar

  • A Rock- and Dark-type Pokémon.
  • Can trigger earthquakes and destroy entire mountain ranges when in a bad mood.
  • It is the only Pokémon with a Rock/Dark-type combination.

Fun facts about Kommo-o

  • A Dragon- and Fighting-type Pokémon.
  • Can knockout the opposition with its steel-clad fists.
  • Its glittering appearance can drive away great darkness.

Fun facts about Salamence

  • A Dragon- and Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Salamence was formed because Bagon loves soaring through the sky but it does not have wings.
  • Can forget the joy it finds in flying, and destroy everything in its path.
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