Searching for Gold Research Day ~ Pokémon GO

The Searching for Gold Research Day was an eventful day. I bought the ticket earlier. However, I had planned not to participate because I already have the shiny form of most of the Pokémon featured for the event.

Anyways, earlier that day – Saturday, June 3, 2023 – I made up my mind that I would just participate for the fun of it. I am glad that I did.

It was a 3-hour event in which I used six lucky eggs, six star pieces, and three incense. I did not keep a record of either the amount of XP I got or the amount of stardust. I also did track the amount of Pokémon I caught. I however have a record of the amount of research tasks done and the number of shiny Pokémon I caught.

Here are the ones I got from the tasks:

  • 1 shiny Caterpie
  • 1 shiny Sableye
  • 2 shiny Magikarp

Here are the ones I got from the wild:

  • 1 shiny Lickitung
  • 1 shiny Bellsprout
  • 1 shiny Weedle

The event was just okay since I did not expect much from it. If I had expected more, I would have been sorely disappointed.

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