The Celebrities Who Love Pokémon

It is no doubt that Pokémon is a world-famous creature. However, what can be in doubt is the love or hate for Pokémon. You cannot really tell who actually loves Pokémon unless you were told. If you could make a guess of which celebrities love Pokémon, you may find yourself doubting your guesses. Fret not because there are some celebrities you can undoubtedly tell about their love for Pokémon.

These celebrities have been open about their love for Pokémon. One of them is Ed Sheeran who doesn’t shy away about his love for Pokémon. He had been quoted that “nothing helps him recover more from a bad concert than a few hours of Pokémon.” In 2022, he created a song for the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The song is titled “Celestial.”

Someone who you may never guess unless you are a hardcore Pokémon fan is, Hulk Hogan. He was a former commentator for Pokémon tournaments. He had been a fan of Pokémon since the beginning of Pokémon.

Other celebrities are Robert Downey Jr., Jordin Sparks, Ariana Grande, and Ronda Rousey. Robert Downey Jr. once said that “If I were a Pokémon I’d either be a Psyduck or a Jigglypuff.” Jordin Sparks on the other hand, once tweeted that “I’m gonna be Pokéhappy all day!” Ariana Grande took things a bit further by having Eevee tattooed on her arm. Ronda Rousey is said to be the celebrity with the biggest Pokémon obsession. She once revealed that she got the first trading cards, and the first video game on Game Boy Color. To crown this, she has since obtained and beaten every single Pokémon generation game.

If you guessed all or some of these celebrities who love Pokémon, then you are indeed a hardcore Pokémon fan. It could also be a tell that you love Pokémon. Maybe you even know more celebrities who love Pokémon. You can share more using the comment section further below.

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