Things I wish I knew earlier in Pokémon GO

This post was first published on August 25th 2020 by me on Reddit as a thread for the things I wish I knew earlier. I am republishing it here for better access to non-reddit users.

  • Never ‘power up’ or ‘evolve’ a Pokémon with less than 2* (or 2 bars of attack and defense) except you want to use them for Great League or Ultra League. This saves you stardust and candy
  • Use the ‘appraise’ feature every time you catch a new Pokemon and then ‘transfer’ the Pokemon with less than 2* or lower attack and defense. (Update: See comments below for a faster approach. A big time saver)
  • Using the ‘Binap berry’ gives you more candies (e.g. 6 instead of 3) for each Pokemon caught using the berry.
  • Always throw curve balls. 20 additional XP every throw is better.
  • Don’t waste raid passes to complete special research tasks that asks you to Battle in raids X times. You can achieve this by using your low CP Pokémon to battle X different times in a solo raid before the time runs out while using just 1 raid pass.
  • Do transfer Community Day shiny Pokémon that are 0* and 1* except you want to trade them. This saves you Pokémon storage space.
  • Any Pokémon you have checked will be facing you, the ones you still need to check will be looking elsewhere.
  • Stop throwing berries away. Instead, put your Pokémon in gyms and feed them (and that of other trainers) the berries. Feeding Pokémon berries in gyms gives stardust.
  • Do not purify 3* Pokémon
  • Do not buy Poké balls. If you run out of them, go spin Poké Stops or open gifts to get balls.
  • Do not waste Rare Candy by using them on Pokémon you can easily get in the wild.
  • Use the Quick Catch method every time. Turn on AR mode to make the catch process even faster.
  • Shiny legendaries from raids have 100% catch rate. Use Pinap berry for more candy.

Now that you are here, comment below with the things you wish you knew earlier in Pokémon GO.

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