Global GO FEST 2024 Recap

The 2024 Pokémon Global GO Fest was just a week ago. It technically started for me on Friday, July 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. my local time and ended on Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. my local time. During the 24 – 25 hours period, I was able to do 182 Ultra Beasts raids. I planned to do 200 but got tired after the first 24 hours. You will see this in the analysis below.

Before we get into the Ultra Beasts raids, let me share with you my statistics before and after the event. To properly compare each day of the Global GO Fest, the statistics are separated for each day.

The differences you will find in the table below show part of what the 182 Ultra Beasts raids got me. Kindly pay attention to the differences column. I have made them a little more obvious.

STATSBEFORE (Friday)AFTER (Saturday)Difference (Saturday – Friday)AFTER (Sunday)Difference (Sunday – Saturday)
Distance Walked26,867.1026,894.1027.0026,906.1012.00
Pokémon Caught525,951.00526,807.00856.00527,285.00478.00
Poké Stops Visited362,877.00363,324.00447.00363,481.00157.00
Total XP730,328,396.00734,808,589.004,480,193.00737,305,822.002,497,233.00
Eggs Hatched199.00248.0049.00277.0029.00
Elite Collector130.00134.004.00134.000.00
Scientist (Pokémon Evolved)18,292.0018,304.0012.0018,314.0010.00
Breeder (Eggs Hatched)12,397.0012,446.0049.0012,475.0029.00
Pikachu Fan6,516.006,563.0047.006,585.0022.00
Champion (Non-T5 Raids)2,451.002,454.003.002,456.002.00
Battle Legend (T5 Raids)5,447.005,570.00123.005,629.0059.00
Pokémon Ranger (Field Research)20,953.0020,977.0024.0020,997.0020.00
Gentleman (Trades)17,822.0017,829.007.0017,852.0023.00
Hero (Grunt Battles)17,401.0017,406.005.0017,409.003.00
Picknicker (Pokémon Caught via my Lure Modules)92,641.0092,861.00220.0092,991.00130.00
Successor (Mega Evolutions)2,595.002,599.004.002,602.003.00
Raid Expert (Achievement in Raid Battles)4,840.004,923.0083.004,976.0053.00
XXS Pokémon1,558.001,563.005.001,570.007.00
XXL Pokémon1,746.001,748.002.001,752.004.00
Unique Hundo475.00476.001.00476.000.00
Unique Shiny674.00677.003.00679.002.00
Unique Event173.00177.004.00177.000.00
Cosmog Candy60.0070.0010.00867.00857.00
Cosmog XL Candy22.0022.000.0032.0032.00

As I stated earlier, I got tired of the Global GO Fest after the first 24 hours. You can see this in the differences column in the table above. To put this into perspective, I did 15 hours of Global GO Fest on Saturday and 6 hours of Global GO Fest on Sunday. Actually, I stopped after I got the main things I was looking to get during the Global GO Fest.

The main statistics you should know

The main statistics I would point out right now are what I got from the Global GO FEST over both days. These are part of what the 183 Ultra Beasts raids got me. More of the results from the Ultra Beasts raid will be presented further below.

I walked a distance of 39 kilometers (24.23 miles) during the 2-day Global GO Fest which led to hatching 78 Eggs. I was able to catch a total of 1,334 Pokémon while spinning 604 Poké Stops. Catching Pokémon, completing Raids, completing Research, opening Gifts, friendship level-ups, spinning Poké Stops, etc got me a total of 6,977,426 XP and 655,574 Stardust. I was able to do 182 Ultra Beats Raids of which I got an achievement (e.g. Hardest Hitter, Style Savant, etc) for 134 of those raids. I was also able to help other trainers catch 350 Pokémon.

The 182 Ultra Beasts raids got me 2 hundos (perfect IV Pokémon) which are Buzzwole and Necrozma. I was also able to get 11 Shiny which are 8 Necrozma, 1 Buzzwole, 1 Kartana, and 1 Guzzlord. Catching Pokémon got me 1 new Unown (unown T), and 20 Shiny Pokémon. Doing Raids and Research got me 857 Cosmog Candy and 32 Cosmog XL Candy.

The 182 Ultra Beasts Raids

The table below shows the stats for all the Ultra Beasts raids I did on Saturday and Sunday. The first four rows show the stats before the Global GO Fest, the next four show the stats after, and the last four show the total differences. Please note that I only included the total differences. Those rows are the most important stat that shows the remaining part of what 182 Ultra Beasts raids got me.

ULTRA BEASTNihilegoBuzzwole PheromosaXurkitreeCelesteelaKartanaGuzzlordStakatakaBlacephalonNecrozma
Candy XL22617472210145431323163167
Candy XL24018210011614746932123163947
Candy XL1416553944615800780

Of the 182 Ultra Beasts raids, I did 2 Nihilego, 22 Buzzwole, 8 Pheromosa, 14 Xurkitree, 6 Celesteela, 3 Kartana, 1 Guzzlord, 0 Stakataka, 1 Blacephalon, and 125 Necrozma. As you can see, my main interest was raiding as many Necrozmas as possible and also getting the shiny Buzzwole, Xurkitree, and Pheromosa. I ended up getting what I needed in Necrozma and Buzzwole but not for Xurkitree and Pheromosa.

In summary, the 182 Ultra Beasts raids got me loads of XP, Candy, and XL Candy. These are the main ones. However, all the others you came across in this post are also part of what the raids got me. It was not a bad 21 hours of Global GO FEST.

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