This is what 52 Legendary Raids Could Get You in Pokémon GO

I was looking for a way to “predict” what I could get from doing legendary raids in Pokémon GO. What better way to do that than to look at the past and then use it to predict the future? Well, maybe not the full picture of the future but at least something that resembles it.

The plan was to track the rewards from legendary raids in Pokémon GO for at least one month. However, after doing this for 8 days, I got bored of taking screenshots of the raid rewards after every raid. In addition, I think the thought of doing this process during GO Fest month put me off the one-month plan. I will be raiding a lot during GO Fest and may not have the patience to keep taking the screenshot. I could record the raids but that would be battery-draining. One thing you want to do during GO Fest is to manage your phone’s battery effectively.

Despite the potential limitations, 52 raids in 8 days is something useful to work on. Many sources state that 30 or 40 data points is the required minimum to be able to at least predict future outcomes using quantitative analysis. The data presented further on can be used by any Pokémon GO trainer to figure out what rewards a certain number of legendary raids in Pokémon GO can get.

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Raid Period

The legendary raids were carried out from Wednesday, June 26, 2024 up until Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Basically, from the start of one Raid Hour to the end of another Raid Hour.

Legendary Raid Pokémon

During the raid period, 4 legendary Pokémon were featured in raids. These were Yveltal, Ho-oh, Mega Rayquaza, and Shadow Raikou. Yveltal raids were done on June 26 and 27, Ho-oh on June 28, 29, 30, and July 1 till July 3, Mega Rayquaza on June 29, and Shadow Raikou on June 29, 2024.

Number of Legendary Raids per Pokémon

I did 11 Yveltal, 31 Ho-oh, 6 Mega Rayquaza, and 4 Shadow Raikou.

Rewards from the 11 Yveltal Raids

  • Golden Razz Berry: 63
  • Rare Candy: 21
  • Rare Candy XL: 1
  • Hyper Portion: 68
  • Revive: 42
  • Fast TM: 1
  • Charged TM: 11
  • Stardust: 11,000
  • XP: 220,000
  • Candy XL: 9

Of the 11 raids, I used 2 Daily Raid Passes, 1 Premium Battle Pass, and 8 Remote Raid Passes. I caught 9 out of the 11 Yveltal encounters of which only 1 was shiny.

Rewards from the 31 Ho-oh Raids

  • Golden Razz Berry: 196
  • Rare Candy: 138
  • Rare Candy XL: 2
  • Hyper Portion: 180
  • Revive: 82
  • Fast TM: 15
  • Charged TM: 19
  • Stardust: 36,000
  • XP: 620,000
  • Candy XL: 36

Of the 31 raids, I used 3 Daily Raid Passes, 9 Premium Battle Passes, and 19 Remote Raid Passes. I caught 30 out of the 31 Ho-oh encounters of which only 1 was shiny.

Rewards from the 6 Mega Rayquaza Raids

  • Golden Razz Berry: 19
  • Silver Pinap Berry: 12
  • Rare Candy: 16
  • Hyper Portion: 15
  • Revive: 12
  • Fast TM: 3
  • Charged TM: 6
  • Stardust: 7,500
  • XP: 156,000
  • Mega Energy: 1,350
  • Candy XL: 18

Of the 6 raids, I used 1 Daily Raid Pass, and 5 Premium Battle Passes. I caught 5 out of the 6 Rayquaza encounters of which only 1 was shiny.

Rewards from the 4 Shadow Raikou Raids

  • Golden Razz Berry: 28
  • Rare Candy: 12
  • Hyper Portion: 30
  • Revive: 9
  • Shadow Shard: 22
  • Stardust: 4,000
  • XP: 80,000
  • Candy XL: 12

Of the 4 shadow raids, I used 4 Premium Battle Passes. I caught 1 out of the 4 Shadow Raikou encounters and none was shiny.

Please note the rewards are only those granted after completing the raids. It does not include the Stardust, XP, and candies from catching the raid encounter. Also, I used Starpiece and Lucky Egg when doing some of these raids.

Rewards from all the 52 Legendary Raids

  • Golden Razz Berry: 306
  • Silver Pinap Berry: 12
  • Rare Candy: 187
  • Rare Candy XL: 3
  • Hyper Portion: 293
  • Revive: 145
  • Fast TM: 19
  • Charged TM: 36
  • Stardust: 58,500
  • XP: 1,076,000
  • Mega Energy: 1,350
  • Shadow Shard: 22
  • Candy XL: 75

Of the 52 shadow raids, I used 6 Daily Raid Passes, 19 Premium Battle Passes, and 27 Remote Raid Passes. I caught 45 out of the 52 legendary raid encounters and 3 were shiny.

What do these mean?

Simply, if you do one legendary raid, you have the possibility of getting the following

  • Golden Razz Berry: 5
  • Silver Pinap Berry: 0
  • Rare Candy: 3
  • Rare Candy XL: 0
  • Hyper Portion: 5
  • Revive: 2
  • Fast TM: 0
  • Charged TM: 0
  • Stardust: 1,125
  • XP: 20,000 (with a Lucky Egg)
  • Mega Energy: 225 (only from Mega Raid completed as quick as possible)
  • Shadow Shard: 3 (only from Shadow Raid)
  • Candy XL: 1 (actually, 3 if a Daily Raid Pass or Premium Battle Pass is used. 0 if a Remote Raid Pass is used)

Comparing the Raid Types

The 52 raids were of 3 different types i.e. normal legendary raid, mega raid, and shadow raid. Let see the possibilities for doing one of each. Note: Due to the raid period, the Mega Raid was an Elite Raid which cannot be done using Remote Raid Passes.

Normal Legendary RaidElite Mega RaidShadow Raid
Golden Razz Berry637
Silver Pinap Berry020
Rare Candy323
Rare Candy XL000
Hyper Portion527
Fast TM000
Charged TM010
Mega Energy02250
Shadow Shard003
Candy XL3 (if not remote raid)
0 (if remote raid)

In conclusion, if you need Rare Candy to power up some of your Pokémon, you can do a lot of legendary raids to rack up the rare candies. However, your focus for doing raids should not be to get rare candies. See the rare candies as extra rewards you can accumulate till when you need to use them. You can use this logic for the other raid rewards.

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