Top 10 Pokémon GO Stereotypes

Have you ever wondered what type of stereotypes exists in Pokémon GO? There are many, ranging from trainer stereotypes to Pokémon stereotypes. However, today you are about to learn the top 10 Pokémon GO trainer stereotypes. This is made possible by PoGo Central and my years of experience playing the game.

The Raider

This trainer’s Pokémon storage is 80% Legendary Pokémon. The trainer is always on the lookout for new raids featuring legendary Pokémon, be it T5, Mega, or Elite Raids. The trainer spends a lot of money on remote raid passes. You can find some of these trainers in the Raiders of the Lost Park.

The Gym Hog

This trainer practically lives in the gyms, whether a gym they can reach from their location or the ones a few kilometers away. They can also drive long distances to take over gyms when the ones around them are not enough. This trainer claims gyms every day, and most especially, immediately after some trainer takes over the gym from them. Trainers on Team Mystic are usually known for this.

The Lucky One

This trainer does not play the game every day but when they do, they always get the best type of Pokémon, be it hundo, shundo, or rare shiny. This trainer also does not raid a lot (like the Raider stereotype) before they get a shiny or hundo Pokémon.

The Pro Player

This type of trainer plays Pokémon GO every day and never misses any local or international event. They grind every day and maximize their gains. They know literally all the tips and tricks to make the most of their playing time. They use devices like auto-catcher and a 10-hour grind session is a light work.

The Casual Player

This trainer logs into the game every day in their commute just to catch a few Pokémon, and spin a few PokéStops. If they get the chance, they put a Pokémon in a gym. They participate in a few raids and new raids just to have it in their PokéDex. They rarely spend a lot of money on the game.

The Social Media Player

This trainer never misses out on posting their encounter on social media platforms. The image-sharing feature in the Pokémon GO app is their go-to. This trainer is a fairly casual player as more time is spent on making images and videos to post on social media.

The Pokémon Couple (or The Parent-Child Duo)

These trainers are commonly found in most communities. They are always out with each other during events. They probably have the most number of lucky Pokémon because they frequently trade with each other. One of them is always semi-jealous of the other’s luck.

The Complainer

This type of trainer complains about everything good or bad about the Pokémon GO app.

The Lone Rural Player

This trainer has never traded a single Pokémon. They also have not completed a raid above tier 3. Tier 5, Mega, and Elite raids are a go unless they are very lucky or use Remote Raid Passes where possible. They have a few legendaries which they got from Timed or Special Research Tasks. They do not even have a lot of coins because their Pokémon is living in a gym that no one (or a Gym Hog) can take over.

The Battler

This type of trainer only participates in the GO Battle League. They spend all their playing time trying to catch Pokémon that they can use in all of the league’s formats. They know the best move sets for literally all Pokémon to use in battle. They are always out of Stardust.

What type of trainer are you? Also, some trainers are a mix of these stereotypes. As an example, I am a mix of the Raider, the Pro Player and the Battler.

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