Top 12 Fire-type Pokémon for PVE ~ Pokémon GO

One thing is certain in Pokémon GO, there will always be raids to battle. However, what is not certain is how long you have to be in battle to win the raids. For some, it can take more than 2 minutes while for others, less than 2 minutes to win top-tier raids (Tier 3 raids and up).

Apart from the fact that you may need more trainers in battle to quickly win the raids. The other important fact is your team composition for raids. You need a good team of 6 Pokémon to be able to defeat the raid boss as quickly as possible.

For Fire-type Pokémon, here are the top 12 you should have. This list contains 12 Pokémon so you can have at least 6 if you cannot get your hands on all the 12. Also please note, for raids, you need an excellent IV Pokémon (i.e. 90IV and above) which is at least powered up to level 40.

  1. Mega Blaziken with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Blast Burn as the Charged move.
  2. Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Blast Burn as the Charged move.
  3. Reshiram with Fire Fang as the Fast move and Fusion Flare as the Charged move.
  4. (Shadow) Blaziken with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Blast Burn as the Charged move.
  5. Mega Charizard X with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Blast Burn as the Charged move.
  6. Shadow Chandelure with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Overheat as the Charged move.
  7. (Shadow) Moltres with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Overheat as the Charged move.
  8. Shadow Entei with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Overheat as the Charged move.
  9. Apex Ho-oh with Incinerate as the Fast move and Sacred Fire+ as the Charged move.
  10. Shadow Charizard with Fire Spin as the Fast move and Blast Burn as the Charged move.

These 12 Fire-type Pokémon (Mega Blaziken, Mega Charizard Y, Reshiram, Shadow Blaziken, Blaziken, Mega Charizard X, Shadow Chandelure, Shadow Moltres, Moltres, Shadow Entei, Apex Ho-oh, and Shadow Charizard) are the Fire-type Pokémon you should have in your team against all the raid boss weak to Fire-type moves.

See Pokémon GO Combat System for a list of all the Pokémon types that Fire-type moves deal super effective damage on.

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