Top Pokémon GO Tips You Should Know and Do

There are a lot of things you can do to become a top Pokémon GO trainer. This blog is mostly dedicated to sharing such things. For today, I reveal the things you should know and do consistently, every time you play Pokémon GO.

  • Stardust is a very essential resource in Pokémon GO. You need to earn more daily and spend wisely. Some of the ways to earn (or save) more Stardust are as follows;
    • Feed berries to Pokémon in gyms held by your team (Valor, Instinct, or Mystic).
    • Do not max out Pokémon unnecessarily. Find out which of your Pokémon are worth maxing out and focus on those.
    • Power up less cp (but relevant) Pokémon when you want to complete tasks that require you to power up Pokémon.
    • Use Starpiece wisely! Use them only during special events with 2x or more catch stardust. Use them when claiming task rewards that give a lot of stardust.
    • Read Quickest Way to Obtain Millions of Stardust in Pokémon GO
  • Medals are part of the game and they are not useless. You need a lot of them if you are planning to reach level 50 (or further trainer levels in the future). Some of these medals also help when catching Pokémon. As an example, if you have a platinum Dragon-type medal, your catch rate increases when you catch any Dragon-type Pokémon. Some ways to get more platinum medals are as follows;
    • Catch as many Pokémon as you can, especially during special events and Community Days. Catching as many as you can contributes to various medals.
    • Evolve Pokémon every day. Each evolution level counts towards the evolution medal.
    • Evolve your XXL and XXS Pokémon before you transfer them. Read Why You Should Keep Huge and Tiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO.
    • Rotate multiple Pokémon as your buddy each day. The maximum number of Pokémon you can rotate is 20.
  • Speaking of buddy, buddy hearts are very important. You need them if you really want to take any of your Pokémon to a best buddy. However, most Pokémon GO trainers find this difficult. Here are some ways to gain buddy hearts quickly.
    • To gain battle hearts (i.e., “Battle together”), you do not need to defeat your opponent to gain the hearts. Simply start a training battle with the team leaders (Candela, Blanche, or Spark) using your buddy in the team. Then quickly exit the battle to earn the hearts. Make sure your buddy is on the map before you do this. You can also do this even quicker with Team GO Rocket grunts.
    • To make your buddy get excited quickly, interact with it every 30 minutes. You interact with it by feeding it berries, taking a snapshot, playing with it, and battling together with it.
  • XP is very important, even after you reach level 50. You gain XP for almost everything you do in Pokémon GO. Why not maximize this? Here are some of the things you can do.
    • Learn how to make excellent curveball throws. Make it a habit that you hit excellent throws on at least 50 percent of the Pokémon you catch daily.
    • Evolve Pokémon daily, especially those Pokémon with fewer evolution candy requirements. You can save this search string 0*,1*,2*&age0&10,13,16,265,293,519 to see the list of such Pokémon you can evolve daily. You can also tag and evolve these Pokémon during 2x XP evolve Spotlight hours. See How I Gained 58 Million Pokémon GO XP in 6 Months even as a level 50 Pokémon GO trainer.
    • Use Lucky Eggs wisely. Use them majorly during special events with 2x or more catch XP. Use them when reaching friendship-level milestones.
    • You can gain XP faster by using the “Quick Catch” method. It saves you seconds on every catch which in the long run amounts to a lot of times saved and more Pokémon caught.

These are a few tips. More can be found on this blog with Tips to get GOOD at Pokémon GO

For example, you can also do the following…

  • Save/favorite a search string by pressing/holding it for a few more seconds. The maximum search string you can favorite/save is 12.
  • Quickly open/send gifts by pressing the X button (below the gift screen) right after you click on open/send.
  • Stack research tasks that reward Pokémon. Then catch them either when you use a Lucky Egg and a Starpiece or during events that reward more stardust or XP per catch.
  • Sort through your friends easily by typing giftable&interactable. This will give you a list of friends you can send gifts to and your friend level will increase for the day. If you have over 300 friends like I do. You can use giftable&interactable&friendlevelX. Where X can be either 4 (Best Friends), 3 (Ultra Friends), 2 (Great Friends), 1 (Good Friends), or 0 (New Friends).
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